Service Description
DISCOVERY SESSION - Let’s sit down one on one and go over your health history in depth. Your history gives us insight into your present. Then, let’s talk about your future wants and needs and determine the areas in your life that need focus to achieve more balance. FOOD EDUCATION - We have been fed the wrong information for too long. And with all the information out there now, it is more confusing than ever. But do not worry, our nourishment education classes teach the truth of food and your body. We cover topics about the Truth About Sugar, What Eating Real Food Looks Like, How You Are What Your Eats Eat, Toxic Tidbits, and so much more. We not only educate you, we also inform you of alternatives and How To’s. CUSTOMIZED WEIGHT LOSS COACHING - No two people are the same. That is why no one diet works for everyone. Rather than dieting we look at Bio-individuality, your unique needs which leads to lifestyle changes that support health and wellness. We take a holistic approach to wellness believing that it is all connected. We are your coach and provide you the tools, support, and accountability. You do the work and reap all the benefits of knowing you empowered yourself to lasting transformations.

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